Preaching Themes for 2022

Our monthly theme for 2022 will be “The Parables of Jesus”. The first Sunday of each month (except April in preparation for Easter and December in preparation for Christmas), we’ll study one of Jesus’ Parables.

Here is the schedule:

Jan 2Various ScripturesIntroductions to the parables of Jesus
Jan 9Matthew 13:1-23Parable of the Sower
Feb 6Matthew 13:24-30Parable of the Tares & Wheat
Mar 6Matthew 13:44-50Parables of the Kingdom
May 1Matthew 15:10-20Parable of the Defiled Heart
Jun 5Matthew 9:16-17Parable of the New & Old
Jul 3Matthew 20:1-16Parable of the Day Laborers
Aug 7Matthew 24:45-51Parable of the Servants
Sep 4Matthew 25:1-13Parable of the Ten Virgins
Oct 2Luke 1:29-37Parable of the Good Samaritan
Nov 6Luke 15Parable of the Prodigal Son

Our book series for 2022 will be the book of Ezekiel. It would take years to cover Ezekiel verse by verse, so this book study will be a “survey” where we visit only the highlights and summarize parts we skips so as not to lose the overall outline.

Additionally, we’ll be taking a vacation from Ezekiel over the summer to have a brief series on the Person of the Holy Spirit.

Check out our Facebook page for more topics as they approach!